Thursday, August 24, 2006

You Talkin' To Me?

Well, I just received a phone call from one of my bosses and they want me to go to Kansas City. I was asked to help out a "co-worker" (Robin) who is new to our position. Robin is very green and needs help with leading people. She is pretty capable of doing the tasks of our job, but she needs more training on how to talk, delegate and coach her associates and managers. So, I am being called to come and help her. I am not even the lead merchandiser, but I was called anyway. I feel like this is an honor. I have to be there on Monday morning and will be there until Wednesday. It is a 3 hour trip from where I live. I will be away from my son for almost three days. This will be a challenge.

Anyway, I am also going to KC on Saturday with my kid to watch the Chiefs in their pre-season game against the Rams. I used to like Bulger, but I don't keep up with him much anymore. We will also be taking my kid to Worlds of Fun. That will be the one last hoorah before school starts getting more intense. It's going to be a great weekend. Then it's off to KC again for work.


Anonymous said...



Karin's Korner said...

Wow, that is a great compliment. I wish I could be going to the football game with you, I like KC also...just not as much as the Vikings and the Packers...oh yeah and the Panthers....well, kinda about the same as the Panthers ;). Have a great time.

Leann said...

Sounds like quite an honor and a confirmation of your abilities. Pats on the back are always nice, no matter where or how they come about.