Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here's What's Cookin'

Tonight I am cooking baked fish with a garlic butter sauce, steamed white rice, and steamed fresh asparagus. Yummy. It should be quite tasty.

The weather has been wonderful the past couple of days. I love it when it is in the 70's and 80's. I can't wait for the low 70's and 60's to hit. Those are the days that I really love to cook. Cooking gets my mind off of work and the daily stress. It gives me a chance to be ambitious and creative. I love including my kid in preparing the meals, however, the dishes are all he really wants to do most of the time. No complaints here.

Well, I should sign off and tend to my tender asparagus. Good eats to all.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like cooking up a flury. These days I tend to watch my sundays like a miser, finish off cooking by 8ish...


Billy said...

What kind of foods do you cook? And where are you from? I would like to know more about you.

Penelope Marzec said...

I like the cooler weather, too. When it gets really cold I like to bake.

Anonymous said...

I live in Mumbai, also known as Bombay before they changed the name..I'm from a state called Gujarat, I have a home in Baroda where my heart is. grin.
I cook a standard gujarati meal everyday- dal or pulses (like a soup), rice, rotli (somewht like wheat tacos roasted but much thinner)and a vegetable. I dont like havng a cook in- if you sort of plan this out, it gets done in under a hour. An hour listening to FM and cooking along. :)

Billy said...

Sounds delicious. I have always loved trying different foods from different lands. My mother is Korean, so I grew up with a spicy tongue. But, I do love trying different things. Hopefully one day I will be able to try your food as well.