Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another Nosy Survey

1. Do you like chinese food? It's okay, but I prefer Korean food.
2. How big is your bed? King size
3. Is your room clean? Sometimes, when I am motivated to hang up my laundry.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Desktop
5. Favorite comedian? Rodney Carrington
6. Do you smoke? no, but used to
7. Does anyone like you? Yes, lots
8. What’s the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? Her intellect
10. Sleep with or without clothes on? Depends on who I am sleeping with - lol
11. Who sleeps with you every night? Everyone I take to bed in my dreams
12. Do long distance relationships work? Only if both parties are mature enough to know and deal with the limitations they will be facing.
13. Pancakes or French Toast? Pancakes
14. Do you like coffee? Love it
15. How do you like your eggs? over easy or scrambled
16. Do you believe in astrology? no
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Dale - great guy friend
19. Last person on your missed call list? Home phone - Dale from work/Work phone - Josh
20. What was the last text message you received? I need to pay my phone bill
21. McDonalds or Burger King? Wendy's
22. Number of pillows? Four
23. Last thing you ate? Edy's Slow Churned Light Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
24. Last thing you bought? Sushi for dinner
25. What are you hearing right now? American Dragon Jake Long (cartoon on the Disney Channel)
26. Pick a lyric? I believe- that the world's going to see - the love I give - returned to me....John Mayer
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? good old fashioned grape
28. Can you play pool? yes
29. Do you know how to swim? yes
30. Favorite ice cream? Breyer's peach
31. Do you like maps? Love paper maps, but hate mapquest
32. Tell me a random fact: I love the music group ABBA and I am allergic to alcohol
33. Ever had a hard on at work? Doesn't apply here, but I have caused one
34. Ever attend a theme party? yes
35. Ever do a keg stand? no
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? A guy friend in high school's house in his little brother's bed when the family was out of town
37. What is your favorite season? autumn
38. What is the first music video you ever saw? I don't recall
39. Pick a movie quote: Everybody's Hell is different. It's not all fire and pain. The real Hell is your life gone wrong. - What Dreams May Come
40. A Favorite quote: 'All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand.' Ella Wheeler Wilcox
41. What is your favorite Thirsty Thursday hangout? don't have one
42. Best friend's name? Wes
43. How long have you known them? five years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Today at work
45. What time did you wake up this morning? six
46. Wake up next to anyone? yes
47. Best thing about winter? walking through the park at night after the first heavy snow/it's so beautiful
48. Name a couple of favorite colors: yellow
49. How old are you? 32
50. What month is your birthday in? March
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? Totally cool
52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?) The Space Between
53. What are you doing this weekend? working my ass off
54. Who will take this survey? whoever wants to

And the fun just goes on and on!


-- Name: Blogger name - Abbagirl74
--Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
-- Current Location: Kansas

-- Eye Color: hazel
-- Hair Color: brown
-- Height: 5'10''
-- Righty or Lefty: born lefty, turned righty, but can still do some lefty
-- Zodiac Sign: pisces
-- Your Heritage: korean
-- The Shoes Worn Today: black lug sole dressy
-- Your Weakness: giving in to my son when he gives me the look
-- Your Fears: dying
-- Your Perfect Pizza? pan pizza with lots of veggies, no olives
-- Goal You'd Like to Achieve: to travel and see more of the country

-- Your Thoughts First Waking Up: "I don't wanna go to work!"
-- Your Bedtime: whenever I feel tired, maybe around midnight?
-- Your Most Missed Memory: my grandfather and his yard and garden

-- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: wendy's
-- Single or Group Dates: single
-- Adidas or Nike: whichever is made in Korea
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate chip
-- Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee and lots of it

-- Smoke: used to
-- Cuss: lots around my friends
-- Sing: every time I am in the car
-- Shower Everyday: absolutely
-- Have a Crush: yes, on several people
-- Want to go to College? been there, accomplished that
-- Like(d) High School: LOVED it
-- Want to get Married: not really
-- Believe in Yourself: YES
-- Get Motion Sickness: YES
-- Think You're Attractive: no
-- Think You're a Health Freak: no
-- Get Along with Your Parent(s): YES - love them so much
-- Like Thunderstorms: love them
-- Play an Instrument: no, but I can sing pretty damn good

in the past month...
-- Drank Alcohol: no
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a Drug: no
-- Had Sex: yes
-- Made Out: yes
-- Gone on a Date: yes
-- Gone to the Mall: yes
-- Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos: no
-- Been on Stage: yes
-- Been Dumped: yes
-- Gone Skating: no
-- Made Homemade Cookies: yes two weeks ago
-- Gone Skinnydipping: no
-- Dyed Your Hair: yes
-- Stolen Anything: no

Have you ever...
-- Played a Game that Required Removal of Clothing: no
-- If so, was it Mixed Company: n/a
-- Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: not really, I'm allergic to alcohol
-- Been Caught "Doing Something": yes
-- Been Called a Tease: yes

-- Age You Hope to be Married: I don't want to grow up
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 11 years old
-- Describe Your Dream Wedding: simple, in a wooded area, in the evening just as the sun is setting, the opposite of the "magical hour" that you may see in the morning, everyone is dressed comfortably- no dressing up except he and I, reception by campfire
-- What do youWant to be When You Grow Up: a super mom
-- What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: Sweden and South Korea

in a guy:
-- Best Eye Color? blue or green
-- Best Hair Color? light brown
-- Short or Long hair: short
-- Height: taller than or same hight as me
-- Best Articles of Clothing: great pair of jeans and a white t-shirt
-- Best First Date Location: in the back of a pick-up truck watching a beautiful sunset
-- Best First Kiss Location: see above

-- # Of Drugs Taken Illegally: one
-- # Of People I Could Trust With My Life: 4
-- # Of CDs That I Own: not many - about 30
-- # Of Piercings: ears
-- # Of Tattoos: none
-- # Of Scars on my Body: 5?

Last Person Who...
-- Slept in Your Bed? Josh
-- Saw You Cry? Wes
-- Made You Cry? Wes
-- Spent the Night at Your House? Josh
-- You Shared a Drink With? my kid - juice
-- You Went to the Movies With? my kid
-- You Went to the Mall With? Josh
-- Yelled at You? kid's dad
-- Sent You an Email? Tommy at home / Deb at work

Have You Ever...
-- Said "I love you"? yes
-- Been to New York? no
-- Been to Georgia? no
-- California? no
-- Hawaii? no
-- Mexico? no
-- China? no
-- Canada? no
--The United Kingdom? no
-- Danced Naked? yes
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? kind of / I dreamed that my grandfather was sick and a week later we found out he had cancer. same thing happened to my caregiver in South Korea
-- Stalked Someone? never

Pick One...
-- Apples or Bananas? bananas - slightly green
-- Red or Blue?blue
-- Walmart or Kmart? NEITHER
-- Math or English? English
-- Radio or CD? either
-- Drawing or Painting? doodling
-- High school or College? loved high school, college was a chore

1 comment:

Andfre said...
