Saturday, August 26, 2006

Well, I am getting to leave for KC in about 10 minutes. I wanted to be on the road by 6:30. It should be a great time for all of us. It is suppose to rain all day. I have never been to a game in the rain. Good thing I have a heavy rain coat. Well, I hope everyone has a great day. I will try and tune in later today. Good day!


Andrew said...

Have a great time today! That sounds like so much fun. I can't wait for college footbal to start. It interests me much more than pro. Auburn, my favorite team, is predicted to play for the national title this year against USC.

Stay high and dry! It is very hot and dry here today with only a 30% chance of storms.

Take care my good friend,


Anonymous said...

A great day too, abbagirl!
