Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Junk T.V.

Well, I am home for a moment. I guess you could say I am working a sort of split shift. Anyway, I was flipping channels on the boob tube and I realized that our lives have way too many talk shows. Why so many? Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil, The View, Tyra, Dr. Keith, and so on and so on. Blah, blah, blah.

Today on Oprah, you can find the perfect bra to fit your "unnatural" boobies. Or you can find the perfect jeans to make you look thinner.

Because so many of us have no idea how in the hell to dress ourselves. All of those millions, and she wants to dress the world. Are you insulted? Actually, she is pretty insightful on many of her shows. She is one of the few that I can stand. I don't really care about how she gives away all of that free stuff. That is the only reason why people want to go on the show.

Well, I feel a feel a nap coming on. Till evening...

1 comment:

Parlancheq said...

I like Oprah, but sometimes she gets a little too enthused about stupid pop psychology crap. (Case in point: Dr. Phil, who I think is only popular b/c of Oprah.) Maybe she should stick to bras and saving the kids in Africa. ;)