Friday, December 15, 2006

My Future Home

Today should prove to be some fun. I am on my way out to help my kid shop for some gifts for his dad's side of the family, dad included. We are then going to the store to pick up a couple of things that I need for baking.

Tonight I am headed over to one of my boss' house (Diva) for her Christmas party. Of course, she probably didn't pay for anything. She is going to get fired one day for doing that.

Some of you asked about the house I am moving into. It is white with purple trim. We will have a nice size yard and there is a huge oak tree in the front yard. Next autumn will be a nightmare. The back yard is nice size. I would love to have a very small garden to start off with. We shall have to see what I have time for in the spring. There is a small peach tree by the back door. I am most excited about the kitchen. It is three times bigger than the one in my apartment. I can actually put out all of my appliances and kitchen gadgets. This means I can use them more often, which means I will be cooking all of the time. I can't wait!

The house has three bedrooms, one bath. Hard wood floors run throughout the whole house except for the master bedroom and the downstairs rec room. The kitchen and bathroom have tile of course. It's a nice size house for now. I do plan on either building a new home in around three years or buying a new house. Best thing about moving into this house is that I can take my time. I don't have to be out of the apartment until February 1.

Well, I better get going. We have a lot to do today.


Dave said...

I just want you to know that people like you (as per your profile) are hard to come by when in days such as these, most people are selfish and not very helpful at all. Your people close to you are very fortunate indeed!

Andrew said...

Your house sounds great. Seems like we will both be moving at the first of the year. I can't wait to move into my new home as well.


austere said...

aha.. pictures pictures! this is going to be such fun! some herbs abd greens in the back yard?

kanadians in korea said...

your house sounds lovely! i love big kitchens and big backyards... hope you have a merry christmas! em and trent.