Monday, December 04, 2006

Home Sick

Well, it seems to be slow out there in Bloggerland. Meloncutter has also noticed that Blogger has been suckin' lately by taking all of the "extras" away. What's up with that?

Andrew is still not feeling well.
Professor is trying to enjoy some "downtime".
Becky is second guessing - quit it!
Annabel is kickin' some butt with her great kids in debate.

What is everyone else up to?

I am home sick today. Yep, took a sick day. I am going to the doctor later on. Right now I am listening to a conference call from home. It kind of sucks, but at least everyone won't see me in my blue/red plaid pajama bottoms. Also, no makeup and wild bed head are two things society can do without today. Don't want to cause any early blindness in anyone.

Well, that's all for now. I am sure that there will be more since I am at home today.


Marie-Hélène Raletz said...

Well, I didn't go to work either today, but I had a day off :)
Mind you, I spent most of it on my computer, as it's been raining cats & dogs since this week-end.
I do hope you're feeling better by now. Chin up, Abbagirl :)

SKQBDOO said...

Feel better soon

Billy said...

Thanks to everyone.

Cheryl said...

I was off today but spent the whole day running around with my mother. It was fun.

Are you feeling better?

I've written a few e-mails to Jonathon, but haven't heard back from him. I was wondering if you'd talked to him. Two absences so close together just isn't like him, and I'm worried. I thought you might know.

B said...

Very funny ;-)

I think half the time I tell "you know who" to quit over-thinking something, I should be telling MYSELF!

Thanks for the laugh.

Sue said...

I was having the same prob with blogger and not being able to post pics and only being in HTML. To fix it press f5 on the page you are having a prob with, it will refresh and will go back to normal. It worked for me!
I hope you feel better soon,

austere said...


Unknown said...

Well my blogger is back to normal today. My cheap ass computer locked up and I rebooted and PRESTO when I was on again it was all good again. Hope ya get to feeling better soon. You still got 4 weeks of holiday hell to go through with our little company and I refuse to suffer it alone.

Get well soon.

Later Y'all

Michael C said...

Hope you feel better. I was out yesterday...