Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot Weather and Work Don't Go Hand-n-Hand

It's definitely a scorcher out there today. I am actually cranky now when before I left for work, I was on top of the world. Nothing like working on a Sunday when the temperature is around 101*. I have to travel from store to store in this heat and it can take a toll on a person. Good thing our stores have great air systems. Thank goodness I have a car that is only a year old with great air conditioning.

I was checking out some of our competitor stores today and it dawned on me that people view me as high maintenance when it comes to service. When I worked retail in a management position, I would always make sure that the customer was first. Now that I am in a supervisory position, I noticed that I have extremely high standards for service, or everyone else has low standards. When I am the customer, it better be damn near perfection. My money travels out of my wallet, therefore the service and quality of product better be good. However,

There are some stores who are not created equal. When I did my competitor check today, I had to go into a store that made me want to vomit in my mouth. It was filthy. The quality of the produce and meat in this particular store was questionable. The ground beef was actually gray. Yuck. Now, is having good quality products too much to ask? I wouldn't think so, but today you would have thought I was looking for a needle in a haystack.

All of today's events made me realize that I am working for a pretty good company who usually puts the customer first with great quality and service to match. I am tired and so I will retire into more comfortable clothing, suitable for 100* weather. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

The grocery store I worked in for awhile had a huge roach and rat infestation in the back rooms. They would set out traps every night. I was embarrassed to work there after I had started. Pipe Tobacco said that was normal for grocery stores, but I didn’t believe him. Maybe you can tell me otherwise. Take care and I hate you had to endure the heat for most of the day. I think a cold front is on the way and the temps in Kansas are supposed to drop ten degrees. I heard that on a radio station out of Des Moines, Iowa tonight as I was lying in the bed.
