Friday, July 14, 2006

Cruisin' and Limits

I leave Wednesday for my cruise. It is a well deserved vacation. My kid and I are going to have so much fun!! We both deserve it.

I was wondering about people and their limits. Do people really know what their limits are in life? When it comes to abuse of substance or action, do people really know their limitations? I was wondering about it tonight after reading a post on a blog called 4th Avenue Blues. My friend Andrew has a friend who seems to not have limits. He has limits to the extent that he would hide alcohol from his mother, but has exceeded the "normal" limit by hiding a fifth in the bushes to satisfy his cravings. It just makes me wonder. I have limits for about everything, what I will and will not tolerate. I guess it just depends on who you are and the circumstances.

Anyway, like I said, I can't wait for this cruise. I wish I could take several people with me. It is too pricey and I wouldn't want them to go unless I could pay their way. It's that generous side that keeps getting the best of me.

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