Saturday, June 17, 2006


I do the same thing day after day. Get up early, drop my son off at day camp, go to work, pick up my son from day camp, come home and cook dinner, clean the apartment, shower, and drop like a wilted flower on my bed from sheer exhaustion. Weekends leave little room for change.

My job has me working in twenty-two different grocery stores, looking at as many as five different departments, depending on the store. I have to remember hundreds of faces, greet thousands of customers. No wonder I am so tired all of the time.

I am going to be on a cruise soon. I will be visiting the Bahamas for the first time. I have not seen the ocean since I was two, on the shores of Pusan, South Korea. I do not recall that day, but I will soon be able to experience the wide open spaces of ocean water like it was the first time. Can't wait. However, it is a Disney cruise and therefore will be packed with screaming, squealing children. Not to mention less than favorable body physiques that I will be witness to at the pool and beach. Joy.

I have been reading a blog called the 4th Avenue Blues. It is truly inspiring. I have never been so moved by someone's personal life. And it is his personal life. I have started at the beginning and I am working my way to the present entry. It really makes my life seem so dull. I only wish I had the knack for writing and describing those in my life. Most of my writing has to do with my life and how I feel. It's just like a woman to bring emotions into everything. What can I say?

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