Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rant Here, Rant There

I woke up around 7:30 this morning. For some of you, that may be sleeping in. Not for me. Sleeping in is around 9:00. Oh well. I decided to get up and make some Starbucks coffee - Pike's Roast. Yummy! It's one of my favorites. I get the whole beans and grind it fresh. It tastes great.

I am still in bathroom remodel hell. It's been slow going. I am not going to complain about the Josh's brother, but he isn't doing so great with all of this. I mean, really? Never again!

Josh hasn't been exactly motivated either. 30 minutes ago, he came downstairs while I was getting ready to blog and said he was going to get paint supplies for the bathroom. I told him I needed to take a shower and wanted to take one in an hour or so. He gave me that "look" and said he really wanted to get the entire bathroom primed before leaving for the movie today. So, while he was at the hardware store, I took a quick shower. He just got back. What is he doing? He's in the recliner, watching his sports shows. Now, what's wrong with this picture?

Anyway, we are suppose to go and see Star Trek today. We are going to the earliest show. I also have to go by American Eagle and take the kid's shorts back. They forgot to take off the security tag. He's been wearing them anyway. While I am there, I think I will buy a few more for him.

The kid starts summer camp this Monday. It's a day camp. They are bused there and back. It has lots of activities for teens and the summer can get quite boring, so off he goes. He has to take a sack lunch every day, bottled water, swimming short and a towel, spending money and everything has to be labeled. I love making sack lunches. The kid loves the sack lunches because I always put goodies in there so he can share with friends. He should have a good time this summer.

I also have about 10 loads of laundry staring at me. I plan on doing that this evening when it has cooled down outside and not so much energy has to be used. I have heard that if you do laundry and run the dishwasher after 9 p.m., it really cuts down on your energy bill. Well, who doesn't want cheaper payments? I can make that change easily. There are so many things to do when I get home from work anyway. It just makes sense to do these chores later in the evening.

Well, I guess that's enough ranting for this morning. This being on vacation stuff is great. I actually have time to post and may have more than one today! WooHoo!



bonnie said...

i love you too. what's with these days that have heaps of chores laid out for us.o

Leann said...

It's good to hear we aren't the only ones who have the heat. Not that I'm complainin' mind you :-)

My daughter has seen the new Star Trek movie and really liked it also. She said it's the Star Trek for her generation. Good to know.

Enjoy your Vacation and make time for you!

austere said...

Those sack lunches sound great. Wonderful idea about the surprises. :)

Tons to do always!

Cheryl said...

Your lucky your son agrees or wants to go to camp. I wish mine would go. The summer is way too long with nothing much to do.

I'm writing this on Wednesday, the first day of your real vacation. I hope it's wonderful!