Monday, November 13, 2006

Well, the night is ending better than the day started. My kid is safe in bed, and I have found some new blogs that I have much interest in. The people that I have been reading about are a couple of teachers who teach English in Korea, the country where I was born. My mom is Korean and she met my dad in the military. It is quite a funny love story, but I will save that for another day.

It's wonderful to visit this blog because there are so many pictures. I have not been back to Korea since we left 30 years ago. I remember very little. I am planning on taking my mother next year as a surprise gift. It should be great. I can't wait, and now that I have found some people who blog about their experiences (with pictures), I can get a little closer to my second home. I really can't wait.

Well, I am off to bed as I do have a full day of work ahead of me. Good night to most and good morning to others...


austere said...

Come home to Asia- India, Korea, same to same thing.. grin.

Have a good day.

Will be away for a bit- travel time.

kanadians in korea said...

wow, what a neat bio! it's so great to meet you. and thanks for visiting our blog :) blessings, em. (ps i recommend reading "still life with rice"... the author's life sounds like your story)

Andrew said...

Okay, I have tried not to be that aggravating friend that pesters you for news of your well being. I know you have been working your butt off and raising a kid. I miss you though and am being selfish. Just let us know you are okay. It seems I haven’t heard from you in forever! Take care.

Your bud,

Jonathon Andrew