Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sweet Dreams

I am ending this evening's post with a dream. It starts off in Andrew's back yard. He is showing me the tent he has been sleeping in. Maggie is jumping on me, excited to see a new strange person in her back yard. We walk down the street and the lady that called animal control on Maggie is looking out the window. I wave to her and then give her the bird. We make our way down to the local Kroger ( I am anxious to see what it looks like). We run into Big S. He doesn't realize that I am with Andrew and he asks me for a couple of dollars. I tell him that if he is willing to come down and rake all of Andrew's leaves, I would buy him dinner. Of course, Big S is taken aback and I chuckle. Andrew offers him a cigarette to make up for his jaw dropping to the sidewalk. I am assuming his jaw dropped because of my goddess' features - one can only hope. Anyway, we go down by the tracks and then head over to Sarah Jay's for a fat, juicy burger.

If only...


austere said...

go no! pls! no?
* said in the most accented indian english* grin.

Cheryl said...

Great post. I can totally picture your spending the day with Andrew. I'd like to be taking that walk too.