Monday, August 21, 2006

It's Monday, I am getting ready to leave for work. My outfit is all wrong and they are taking my picture today to put into our company newsletter. Oh well. I was thinking about everyone else and I just want to tell everyone to have a great day!

It's suppose to rain today and I am really excited for it. I love rain. Talk at ya later....


Andrew said...

Hey, thanks for your comments tonight. I enjoyed reading them. I hope you day went okay and that you didn't have to work too hard.

I love thunderstorms and rain too. We have a line of them headed this way tonight. Maybe I will get a light show!

austere said...

You are going to be written about in the newsletter? An award or recognition or something? WOuld love to hear more.

Billy said...

I am being recognized for a program that helps develop managers for our company. I went through this program and graduated in the first class. I have since then been promoted several times and they want me to comment on how the development program helped me achieve my career goals. What they don't know, is that my career is just beginning. I plan on going all the way to the top.

Anonymous said...

Way to GO GO GO Abbagirl!
So RICH to see such zest!
you made my day.
